Last month, a friend of mine suggested we skip our planned visit to the Christ kind market here in Chicago and instead spend our holiday outing on our laptops sampling Guild Wars 2's new Wintersday event. And we had a great time. (Somewhere, I imagine, a thousand senior citizens just shuddered in horror at the collapse of society or some such.) We tested our wits against a terrific jumping puzzle, we scoured the world in search for gigantic gift boxes, and spent hours with a version of capture the flag featuring presents and snowballs. By my standards, it beat shivering amid the pricey knick knack stalls lining Daley Plaza. It's a testament to how far MMOs have come since the days when holiday events consisted of little more than throwing a few pumpkins about the landscape for Halloween or slapping some wreaths on doors for the winter holidays. These days, they're such an essential and inclusive part of the MMO landscape that they bring back players almost as well as regular content updates.
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Never get between a mama grizzly and her present.
I'm well aware that not everyone shares my enthusiasm. For some players, the idea of a snowman in a place like Lion's Arch or Orgrimmar seems to rank up there with swapping out Lincoln for Jefferson Davis on American pennies on the offensive scale, and I'm not sure why. It'd be silly to call these celebrations religious events, after all; much as similar events in the real world these days, they've been stripped of virtually all of their religious pomp and iconography and now merely exist as an excuse to put the cares of the world aside and have a good time (and yes, buy things). Other players argue that developers should spend their time focusing on "real" permanent content, but such an position ignores the appeal holiday breaks generate. (And especially in games like Guild Wars 2, who's to say it's not "real" content?) Back in my days in one of the world's top-ranking guilds in World of Warcraft in 2006, holiday events served as a welcome reminder that I was playing a game, and that I should occasionally take some time to relax and enjoy it as such. Hardcore or casual, that's an important message.
Happy Hour
Holiday events don't have to focus on traditional holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas, of course. Just this past summer, Lord of the Rings Online made a good showing with the Farmer's Faire, an event well-suited to the agrarian antics of the hobbits in Hobbiton-Bywater. No hint of misplaced religiosity here: you spent the whole event fishing, stuffing the face of the mayor with milk and butter, and chasing chickens at Sandson's farm. It was a beautiful sight that slipped in comfortably with the lore, and the crowds bustling about the Green Dragon Tavern served as a welcome reminder that there's a democratic vibe about holiday events. MMORPGs are social beasts at heart, and holiday events communicate that fact better than almost any other kind. Players at the level cap mingle and compete against players mere hours removed from the character-creation screen. At their best, they tend to recreate something of those halcyon days after an MMO's launch when all the zones are filled and finding a group hasn't yet become a chore. (3)
Way better than a lame bioluminescent reindeer.
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But for all that warm and fuzzy community talk, these aren't without selfish intentions: to keep players coming back. By definition, MMO holiday events only come around once a year, which gives developers plenty of reason to sneak in coveted items available just as much as to casual players as to hardcore guilds. I should know; I was among the first people to acquire the Headless Horseman's mount on my server in WoW's Hallow's End event a few years back, and I relished flying about the skies on on a mount that no one would be able to get again until the following year. I was, in short, a minor celebrity (and you can imagine how sad I felt when they upped the drop rate recently). But that exclusivity extends to smaller items as well, such as the Brewfest kegs WoW players are fond of whipping out during the quiet moments in group instances. Little things like these add a dose of spice to a game's life, and for those who still haven't acquired said items and want them, it gives something to look forward to as well.
Don't Forget Your Lines
So, too, does the opportunity to toy with fun activities that go far beyond the usual business of killing and fetching. Take the plays during Lord of the Rings Online's Yule festival. Just last night, I had the pleasure of starring in the role of Bilbo Baggins, complete with players in other roles and a fairly appreciative audience. The experience was closer to that of an actual dramatic production than you might think. I chatted backstage with NPC actors, I fumbled through my lines (at one point making Bilbo exclaim "Free nose jobs for everyone!"), and I laughed as someone threw a tomato at a cast member who'd missed a cue. And the audience, composed just as much as of real players as NPCs, loved it. I imagine this sort of thing would quickly lose its appeal if it were available all year round, but in the context of the temporary Yule festival and its associated novelty, it brought the house down. Therein lies much of the appeal of holiday events. They're brief, yes, but not so brief as world events that demand players log on at a certain time. They stick around as long as we need them to but vanish with the promise of a return.(4)
I'm a bit tall for a hobbit, to be fair.
The success of Guild Wars 2's Shadow of the Mad King and Wintersday events suggest that holiday events might start taking on greater importance than before, in large part because they focus on unique events like these. They've been the best-received patches so far; indeed, aside from the Lost Shores event, they are its only content patches. And for good reason. The current Wintersday event includes all the goodies I mentioned in the first paragraph, along with a Guitar Hero-style caroling event and a toy-themed dungeon. It's all fun, and most importantly, it's accessible to almost everyone. That fits well with Arena Net's fabled manifesto, particularly in that you don't need to have spent weeks' worth of playtime to experience its fun dungeon and ancillary events. In terms of the continued success of the genre, that can only be a good thing.
Not This Again
Holiday events aren't without their problems, of course. The most pressing concern at this point is the tendency for developers to use the same holiday events again and again with little variation. In time, at least for veteran players, they lose much of the appeal that drove us to them in the first place and thus they slide into the same neglected status as old, unscaled dungeons. World of Warcraft is particularly guilty of this; after eight years, for example, the feast of Winter Veil has witnessed fewer alterations than Hulk Hogan's mustache. The repetition partly exists to give players a chance to complete the achievements for the associated titles and the mount you get for completing all of the holiday events, but after seven years, it's hard to work up the drive to fight yet another Coren Direbrew or Headless Horseman.(5)
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A bit much, perhaps?
But when they work, they remind us that we're romping through these worlds less because we prefer their combat and visuals over that in single-player games but because we're around to experience their surprises and wonders with our friends. That's why we attend similar events in real life, and that's why so many of us keep coming back for them, even if we've wearied of the core content. Far from "sill flying" the experience of an MMO, they augment it and provide another layer that helps to create a semblance of a living world.